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8 Ways to Spring Clean Your Gut

8 Ways to Spring Clean Your Gut
Claire Barnes
BA (Hons), MBANT, Registered Nutritionist2 years ago
View Claire Barnes's profile

Spring is a beautiful time of year, the days are getting longer, the weather is hopefully becoming warmer and new life is blossoming. Generally our moods are more lifted in the spring time as we look positively ahead to spending more time outdoors, whether it being walking in the countryside or tending to the garden.

A British tradition at this time of year is to spring clean our homes, freshening them up from top to bottom and tackling those often neglected jobs that always get put aside. Perhaps, spring would also be a great time to give our bodies a little extra attention. Often, we have our own little niggles which we just put up with. Maybe a spring clean of our own body could be required to start off the new season feeling relaxed, confident and energised.

Any sort of body cleanse should start with the gut. Our digestive tract is our first line of defence against toxins and harmful bacteria and viruses entering into the body. By having regular healthy bowel movements, we can be confident that removal of these substances happens quickly and effectively.



Start by increasing filtered water to 2 litres per day and increasing fibre in the diet. Consume more fibre through eating at least seven portions of vegetables a day and adding in beans and lentils. This will help to improve bowel motility, form a normal stool and rid the body of toxins.


Including fermented foods such as sauerkraut or kefir, which contain high levels of beneficial bacteria will help to maintain the gut flora balance, helping to keep the lining of the gut healthy and also helping to improve metabolism.


Increase antioxidant foods, such as a rainbow of different coloured fruits and vegetables. Swap fruits, vegetables, meats and fish to organic where possible.


As well as increasing healthy foods, there are certain foods that should be eliminated in order to cleanse the gut. Alcohol, stimulants, such as caffeine and sugar can all cause inflammation in the gut, swap caffeine for herbal teas such as fennel or camomile and cut out both alcohol and sugar.



Taking part in some non-strenuous exercise, such as walking, cycling or swimming can help boost circulation, invigorate the mind and improve lymphatic draining helping the body to rid itself of toxins!


Use essential oils within a vaporiser around the house depending on your desired mood; choose lavender for relaxing and calming and bergamot for uplifting and increasing mental alertness.


Often, we neglect little aches and pains that come and go or perhaps are continuous, but we’ve just got used to them. These seemingly small and irrelevant niggles, could actually be having a structural impact on how effectively your body is working. By improving them, we could help to improve circulation and reduce inflammation.


Take time out each day to relax the mind, incorporating mindfulness, meditation or yoga in to your daily routine should help to ease tension and focus the mind on what is important.

Written By Claire Barnes

Claire Barnes
BA (Hons), MBANT, Registered Nutritionist
View Claire Barnes's profile
Claire is a BANT (British Association of Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine) registered Nutritional Therapist. She graduated from the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) in 2016 and began working for ADM Protexin (manufacturers of the Bio-Kult and Lepicol ranges) the same year. Claire is now the Senior Technical Advisor for human healthcare at the company. She has a keen interest in sports nutrition and has recently been awarded with a certificate in sports nutrition from The Centre for Integrative Sports Nutrition (CISN). Claire began her career in fashion buying in London, however following a year sabbatical, travelling the world, she discovered her true passion lies in health and nutrition. On returning to the UK, she founded her own award-winning juice bar business, which led to her desire to further her knowledge and understanding of nutritional health.